Oleic Acid

Oleic Acid

Oleic acid is derived from whole oils and is void of glycerin. It saponifies quickly and can cause cold processed soap to sieze. If the temperature of the soap is allowed to drop when using lauric acid it can cause false trace. It is used to add conditioning properties to bar soaps and liquid soaps. In bar soaps oleic acid will help harden them over an 8 week timeframe.

Properties added to soap: Conditioning and possible hardening
Bar (NaOH) SAP:0.1437
Liquid (KOH) SAP:0.2015
Iodine Value:95
INS Value:110
Benefits to biodiesel glycerin soaps:
  • Oleic acid will participate in glycerin negation when used in biodiesel glycerin soaps.
  • Bar Soap - Oleic acid will add conditioning properties and can help to harden over time.
  • Liquid Soap - Biodiesel glycerin liquid soap will benefit from added conditioning with the use of oleic acid.
  • Hybrid Soap - Oleic acid can add conditioning and thickening properties to biodiesel soaps that use both sodium and potassium based glycerin.